It’s the perfect time of year for warm sweaters, hot chocolate, cozy fires and beautiful snowy landscapes. For some lucky retirees, that makes it the perfect time of year to leave the frigid New York tristate area behind and migrate to the sunny South for winter. Don’t just pick up and go; follow these helpful tips to ensure your winter escape doesn’t become a trap.

  • Bring all necessary documents. In addition to your ID, you should make sure you have your travel and insurance documents, medical history and prescriptions, bank card and checkbook, and contact information for important people packed in your suitcases.
  • Plan ahead for your health. Ask your doctor for a longer-term prescription of any medicine you take regularly, and carry them with you as you travel.
  • Make sure your mail can find you. Change your address with the USPS to make sure your mail will be forwarded while you’re away.
  • Tell your bank where you’re going. Informing your bank and credit card companies that you will be making purchases and withdrawals in another state will stop them from blocking purchases they fear are fraudulent.
  • Contact your utilities companies. Some companies charge a cancellation and reinstatement fee; consider downgrading your service instead, if the fees are too high.
  • Conserve energy and fuel costs the right way.  When turning down your thermostat for the winter, choose the temperature carefully. Going too low can freeze your pipes and cause extensive damage to your home. Don’t just turn off your appliances; unplug every appliance you can so they won’t draw power while you’re gone.
  • Cancel any unnecessary services. Cancel your newspaper and garbage service while away for extended periods of time.
  • Have a friend or neighbor check in while you’re gone. Make sure they have your alarm code and a list of numbers where you can be reached.

Now that you’re prepared to go, make the trip easier by having your other winter necessities professionally moved for you. Contact Molloy to find out how to start your winter relocation the right way.