home security tipsThe commercials on television will tell you that you need to buy state-of-the-art technology gadgets to be safe at home. However, learning a few cheap security tricks is often a good first step. Here are a few Molloy has to offer.

  1. Keep precious items well hidden: Burglars know all the obvious places people keep their souvenirs and priceless items. Do not make it easy for them, as safes and cabinets are really a no-brainer for the average thief. Get a little creative and stow things away in places you would never think of yourself, leave alone a burglar.
  2. Find a sleeping partner: No, this does not have to be a living, breathing partner. All you have to do is keep your car remote by your side at night. Whenever there is a sign of intrusion, just hit the panic button on the device. The car alarm gets set off and the noise scares the intruder.
  3. The car trick: If you are going to be away for some time, ask your friends or neighbors to park their cars by your home from time to time. Burglars mark homes faster if there are overt signs of lack of occupancy. You want to make it look like you are around and about all the time.
  4. Invest in FakeTV: This is a small gizmo that emits light from your sitting room, making it seem like you are watching television. It costs around $34 and has a light sensor. The function of this sensor is to detect light changes, which means it turns itself on as the night sets in and goes off in the morning. It also comes with an built-in timer, which is pretty reliable.
  5. Secure windows and doors: Whenever you lock your main door, ensure that no one can gain access from the outside. You could place a wedge between it and the ground. Wooden wedges work just fine. For good measure, ensure that they are not easily detectable. As for vertical windows, use simple wedges as these make it hard for any burglar to grab a hold. Horizontal windows need dowels that make it hard for anyone to attain a grip.
  6. Avoid virgin snow: Again, this one works if you are going to be away. Ask your neighbors or their kids to trample on the snow in your compound a little bit so that there are signs of habitation. Females living alone can borrow some huge male shoes and place them in a very open area of the porch. You might want to grab some dog toys too, just for effect.

Molloy is always looking out for you, your home and belongings. We hope you found these tricks helpful! If you or someone you know is moving, contact Molloy Moving and Storage.